Hi, my name is Andrea and I'm a Virgo with high standards. I want it ALL, I want it 5 star and I want it oozing with pleasure.
I remember after looking around after building my first million dollar business. The people that I had put on a pedestal had become close friends - were secretly miserable.
The roadmap we were given? It led to broken promises.
Achievement felt heavy. And no one had the answers.
All I knew was - this was NOT the vibe I was looking to experience. NOT the standard I wanted to hold.
I looked around for someone to be an example of how I wanted success to feel.
I couldn't find one. So I became it.
What's different now:
- I don't need social media detoxes because I'm not on it enough to O.D.
- My business has generated multiples of millions, not a penny from pressure only pleasure.
- I'm a sought after coach for high performers like top industry coaches, reality TV stars, musicians, YouTube famous families and more.
- I easily prioritize my wellbeing over my business without sacrificing business goals.
-Peers have told their therapist, "I know this girl who doesn't take a penny from pressure and I want to be like that." LOL (Also, yes!)
- I am deeply supported. My team prioritizes me staying in the visionary role and treats this business like their own.
-I met my soulmate, fell in LOVE and we travel the world
Are you craving a remarkable life, too? Filled with space, connection, depth, peace, pleasure, and success like never before? Without sacrificing one for the other?
If so, join me for the Better Than You Can Imagine masterclass!
This isn’t just another feel-good session.
This is equal part planning and equal part positioning yourself for miracles. (Which is a strategy within itself.)